Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our PLC Night

Our project was a success. We set out to expose the students to songs and cultures of many lands, and we did that by
  • learning many children's songs common to countries from Central and South America.
  • becoming friends with students in Peru.
  • Creating a website to document our communications and to share our successes
  • Planning a day of celebration and planting the seeds for future collaborations between
    • us (Ms. Chavez, Ms. Chavira, Ms Salerno, and Mr. Levario),
    • us and other schools (Mansfeld, Tucson High School, Santa Rita High School, and Lima, Peru),
    • us and other disciplines (Spanish and Music so far and it is open to others who want to join!).
We also found ourselves enjoying what we researched, became motivated to expand this project beyond the walls of Mansfeld and incorporated the city talents of Mariachi San Juan and Alumni talents of Tucson High.  More pictures and videos to follow!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Our First Connection!

This is our first connection with friends from a different part of the world!  One of us is from Tucson, Arizona, (Mansfeld Middle School)

and another is from the country of Peru.
Students from both countries will find out how small our world is by finding the answers to the following questions:

1. What games do you play?
¿Cuáles juegos tienen en Perú?
2. What are the names of the songs you are singing?
¿Cuáles son los nombres de las canciones que cantarán?
3. I would like to learn about Peru and what do you do all day?
¿Lo que me gustaría aprender sobre Perú es lo que hacen todo el día?
4. How many students are in your class?
¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en tu clase?
5. What are the fun things you do in Peru?
¿Cuáles son las cosas divertidas que hacen en Perú?
6. What are your school celebrations?
¿Qué celebran en tu escuela?
7. What grade are you in?
¿En que año escolar estás?
8. What time do you start school?
¿A que hora empiezas la escuela?
9. What kind of sports do you play?
¿Qué tipo de deportes practicas?
10. What do you learn at school?
¿Qué aprendes en la escuela?
11. How do you feel about participating in this project with us?
¿Cómo te sientes al participar en éste proyecto con nosotros?

Videos will be posted above to any or all of the questions.  Some answers will be in Spanish and some will be in English. This is the first of many connections that we hope to cultivate over many years!
We, the teachers at the institutions mentioned, are:

Elizabeth Salerno-Peru
Martina Chavez-Tucson
Angelica Chavira-Tucson
Thomas Levario-Tucson

Stay tuned and/or become a follower!